Recently I handed someone a business card and on it reads “Conscious Therapeutic Bodywork Integrating Movement with a Passion for Anatomy”. They looked at my card and immediately asked me what Conscious Therapeutic Bodywork means. I had to think for a moment because to me the words certainly describe my work, but as I thought about it I realized it could mean various things to different people.
What came to my mind was this: Have you ever had someone press on a part of your body that you didn’t realize was tight? And suddenly you realize that there is something happening in your body that you had no idea was there? Even further, perhaps you ask this person (partner, friend, spouse) to keep on pressing while slowly the sensation shifts. This is the process of becoming conscious of ourselves in a new and therapeutic way, uncovering restrictions and pains and beginning to draw them back into connection with the rest of ourselves.
My goal in doing bodywork is to uncover tension, restriction and isolation, and help you move them back into connection with your whole self. This is one aspect of “Conscious Therapeutic Bodywork”.